What is a strong password?
Simply, a password that cannot be cracked or requires years to crack.
How to?
- Don't use any common names like "john", "canada", "football" in your password.
- Don't use any common words like "small", "option", "father" in your password.
- Of course, two points above exactly means that don't even use any word or name that is related to you like your pet's name, your aunt's nickname or your nickname.
- Always use symbols in your password like "happ3n 9ing" (I included " " (a space) between n and 9)
- You can check how secure is your password from here
"Girl" is more common password then "boy" and "you are sick" is more secure then "76y587yh" because it has 2 spaces (symbols).You can use other symbols too like <,*&*&(*$%& etc..
Password issue is very important fact for us,because most of us have online service,e- banking,credit card many other online service used by us.So it is too essential for maintain safe and strong password by combination of letter ,number and symbol is more safe as compare to normal written password.